Incidentally, I found out that the new class will not start until as early as Spring of 2016. This in particular I found a little hard to take, as I had my hopes built up that I might be able to apply this winter. As in now. Sigh. God's time is not my time.
Around the parish, I am still in my role of Pastoral Council President, and I had been looking forward to rolling back my involvement in the Parish as the potential of involvement in the Diaconate proceeds. I have recently concluded an introduction to the Neocatechumenal Way, become involved in Deliverance Ministry, as well as helping out our First Annual Diocesan Men's Conference in a very limited way. And since the Diaconate progaram has been pushed off for another year, a good friend invited me to a Weekend silent Retreat at the Opus Dei headquarters in New York. I'm particularly looking forward to that.
I'll have updates on all this and more in the upcoming posts. I want to try and keep it light so I stay motivated to carve out some of my very busy time to blog about my progress down this very bumpy road.